Monday, January 24, 2011

Skins or No Skins?

MTV has been all over the news with their new reality drama SKINS. Can you say DRAMA? The controversy has begun because people feel that SKINS publicizes sex and drugs to teens in an inappropriate way. MTV's recent statement said that SKINS addresses, "“real-world issues confronting teens in a frank way. Companies, including; General Motors and Taco Bell have withdrew their ads from the reality drama. In the news, BET is getting ready for their Celebration of Gospel Week Who will be on the red carpet this time?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Who Shall It Be?

Hello Blogger! My name is Kendra Crew, and I am very excited about blogging! I know you are most likely wondering what I am going to blog about, so, here it goes. I will be blogging about BET (Black Entertainment Television) and MTV (Music Television). Both companies are very similar, but yet, very distinctive. I am thrilled to follow these companies, so I can decipher how the companies target their audiences, in addition to, what their audiences are most interested in. HOPE YOU ENJOY!